Wine is a story to share.

Turn wine into knowledge, emotion, memory and shared experience.

Wine Guide

Build wine skills by keeping your good impressions.

Learn more about wine

Build and improve your tasting skills

Use the journal easily

Build wine skills by keeping your good impressions.

About the Wine

The wine journal is not just a tasting notebook. It is a faithful guide to time, a special gift for a loved one or you. It is a brave guardian of the most intimate wine emotions and evaluations and a place to share your impressions and gain new knowledge and skills. It is a stylish way to go even deeper into the magical and endless world of wine.

About us

Създаден От любителите на вино
за любителите на вино
С изключителен подход към продуктите и тяхното представяне, усет към детайла.
Създаваме уникално изживяване за всеки клиент или читател на винения журнал.